Patent Attorney Randall Erickson Profiled in Suburban Newspaper

Randall Erickson was profiled in a September 27, 2012 article titled “Patent Attorney helps budding Chicago area inventors” in the Wheaton Leader, a publication. The profile was also carried in a number of mysuburbanlife affiliated papers in other Chicago suburbs.

The whole article can be viewed [here], an excerpt from the article follows:

Obtaining a patent can be a long and complicated process, but luckily for hopeful inventors, there are lawyers who specialize in guiding them through that process: patent attorneys.

One of those guides is Randall Erickson, a patent attorney who owns Erickson Law Group PC in Wheaton. His law firm serves clients throughout the Chicago area.

After working as an engineer for the oil company Amoco, Erickson received his law degree from Loyola University in 1989. He decided to go to law school as a career move and wasn’t thinking about patent law at the time. However, once in law school, he learned the field of patent law fits people with his background.

“Patent law is a niche area for people with science or engineering undergraduate degrees and law degrees,” Erickson said. “You can use both your science and law backgrounds.”

Erickson puts his undergraduate and law degrees to work when helping people apply for patents. He said he’s worked on roughly 500 patents, including ones that focused on green topics, such as solar energy and hybrid car technology. . . [Read more here]